Good news. Last Sunday's show was glitch free. (Pause for three rousing cheers, the throwing of hats into the air, the hearty patting of backs and the quiet sobbing of easing tension.) Thank you for your patience and continued patience during this difficult period.
The songs that played in uninterrupted glory were:
Just When You're Thinkin' Things Over - The Charlatans
Feel Life - Ora Cogan
On The Sea - Beach House
Train Ride - Randy Newman
Come Running - Sol Seppy
The Tower - Future Islands
Digging Up The Dead - Lo Moon
Tender To The Blues = James Yorkston and the Athletes
Never Never - The Assembly
Clouds Disco - The Wake
Bad Vibrations - The Crimea
Six Months In A Leaky Boat (Aoteaora 2022 Remix) - Split Enz, Eddie Rayner
I Still Haven't found What I'm Looking For - U2
God Put A SmileOn Your Face (featuring The Daptone Horns) - Mark Ronson
London Can Take It - Public Service Broadcasting
Hate Everyone But You - Habibi
Already Gone - Wooden Shjips
Panopticom (Brightsdie Mix) - Peter Gabriel
Chelsea Girl (Acoustic Version) - Simple Minds
Club Boy At Sea - Nick Heyward
Tell Me - Girl Ray
Don't Talk To Me About Love - The Blue Nile
Utopia - Goldfrapp
Christine - Siouxsie and the Banshees
In The Country - Babybird
Seven Days Is Too Long - Dexy's Midnight Runners